

Date Title Rating
2018-12-02 Obfuscar - C# Obfuscation None
2018-10-15 TFS 2018 - VsTest Platform Installer - MSTest - Warning: No test is available in... None

Uncategorized (122)

Date Title Rating
2021-07-30 Insight Meditation Mind Machine & Binaural Beats None
2021-07-30 PC Awake - Prevent Windows 10 from Sleeping / Screen Locking None
2021-03-31 TypeScript Debugging on Chrome None
2020-11-25 PostgreSQL .NET Core Entity Framework Example None
2020-07-02 .NET Core - Google Authentication and .NET Core Identity None
2019-01-28 Automatic Crypto  Coin Control  - .NET Core App None
2018-11-02 TFS Project not Bound to Source Control None
2018-02-28 iOS - Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA) - Google Admob None
2017-12-25 Generic Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core None
2017-12-25 Dependency Injection in ASP.​NET Core - a quick overview None
2017-12-25 How to explain blockchain to your family None
2017-12-17 Demystifying .NET Core and .NET Standard None
2017-09-10 Create a JSON Web Token (C#) and Verify Signature None
2017-07-04 Dapper ORM .NET Quick Start None
2017-07-01 Alternative for Exchange by TouchDown Android App Symantec None
2017-06-22 Audiobook Collection - Stoicism - Taoism and More None
2017-05-29 Investing in Bond Funds vs. S&P 500 None
2017-05-28 Law of Attraction Audiobooks None
2017-01-28 JavaScript Encapsulation None
2017-01-07 Chrome Remote Desktop Curtain Mode - Windows 10 PRO None
2016-11-21 Debugging an Android Cordova/Phone Gap App None
2016-11-17 Load Content to HTML Page from an External File None
2016-08-21 Scroll to Top of Bootstrap Modal / Panels None
2016-06-11 DevExtreme Remove Specific View from Cache None
2016-03-06 HTML5 localStorage check for null or undefined None
2016-02-29 Binaural Beat Meditation Mind Machine with Chakra Colors None
2016-02-27 DevExtreme / Cordova / PouchDB Mobile App None
2015-12-10 HTML Page Transitions / Animiations None
2015-12-09 jQuery Scroll To Position Demo None
2015-12-09 Simple jQuery Plugin Working Example None
2015-12-02 Enable Num Lock During Chrome Remote Desktop None
2015-11-12 C# LINQ In Clause None
2015-11-04 Phonegap Cordova installation windows None
2015-10-29 Write Oracle Loop in a Script File None
2015-10-08 Cannot Add Shared Printer Windows 10 to Windows 7 None
2015-10-08 Oracle Find Invalid Objects (Packages, Views, Procedures, Functions...) None
2015-09-24 Oracle Create a List of Values in PL/SQL None
2015-09-23 Windows 10 and Windows.OLD Disk Space None
2015-08-30 Boostrap Panels None
2015-06-22 Disable Nexus 7 OTA/Upgrade, Root, and Install back to Android 4.4.4 None
2015-05-15 SQL Server nHibernate Config None
2015-05-11 Create bootable USB Drives - Rufus None
2015-02-21 SQLite unable to open database file or SQLite An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format None
2015-02-11 Force Visual Studio 2015 to Run with Administrator Privileges None
2015-02-05 ASP.NET SQLite / NHibernate C# Demo None
2015-01-26 Syncfusion - Visual Studio Development Suite - FREE None
2015-01-02 How to Break out of ASP.NET Application_Error and redirect to a different page None
2014-12-23 Find Largest Files in Windows None
2014-12-05 TeamViewer Remote Control None
2014-12-05 Set Max Width of all Images in a DIV None
2014-11-19 Show Dev Express Loading Panel using ASPxComboBox None
2014-11-16 Download SQL Server Northwind Database .BAK File None
2014-11-15 Easily Change the Style of DevExpress Grids to Match Bootstrap None
2014-11-05 How To Subtract Minutes and Days From an Oracle Timestamp None
2014-10-28 SQL Server Functions - Get First and Last Day in a Month None
2014-10-24 Disable Browser Back Button None
2014-10-18 .NET Get Relative URL - ResolveClientUrl - MVC and WebForms None
2014-10-14 Reliable Windows VPS Hosting at Webline Services None
2014-10-04 No Primary Key Defined adding a View to Entity Framework None
2014-08-18 jQuery Sticky Footer None
2014-06-22 ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool None
2014-06-18 Resize iFrame Content Automatically None
2014-05-03 Sort Page List by Title None
2014-05-03 Sort Link List by Title None
2014-04-17 Show Progress Message / Call ASP.NET Button Click from JavaScript None
2014-04-12 LINQ - Sample Queries - Source/App None
2014-04-10 Oracle - Return Primary Key of Table After Insert None
2014-04-07 ASP.NET - Expire Cookie When User Closes the Browser None
2014-04-07 Oracle - Extract Characters from String, Extract Date from Timestamp None
2014-04-05 Calculate Iron Condor MAX Gain in SQL Server None
2014-04-04 Run Batch Jobs In ASP.NET & IIS None
2014-04-04 Create Temp Table from a Select Statement in SQL Server None
2014-03-31 Call a Batch (.bat) File from ASP.NET None
2014-03-19 TFS 2010 Integration with Visual Studio 2013 None
2014-03-18 Storing ASP.NET View State in a Flat File or Session None
2014-03-13 ASP.NET Numeric Input Validation None
2014-01-04 Visual Studio 2013 Hangs when Starting a Project in Debug Mode None
2013-11-12 Hacker Tools You Should Know and Worry About None
2013-11-03 ASP.NET Scrollable GridView with Fixed Headers None
2013-08-15 Bootstrap Popover - With Close X Button None
2013-06-26 E-Book Gallery for Microsoft Technologies None
2013-04-20 DevExpress - ASPxGridView - Confirm Delete on Client None
2013-04-05 Bootstrap and jQuery Tabs None
2013-02-10 Windows 8 Start Button None
2012-12-01 Rename Android Package Name - SOLVED! None
2012-11-30 Check For Unsaved Changes Before Leaving a Page None
2012-11-14 Dynamically Adding User Controls to an ASPX page None
2012-11-08 Free backup software - FBackup None
2012-10-06 Application_Error in Global.asax not firing in production None
2012-09-27 ASP.NET & jQuery - Upload and Crop Images None
2012-09-25 ASP.NET - Add Email Message to Outlook Draft Folder with Attachements None
2012-09-08 Bind Generic List to ASP.NET DropDownBox (or GridView) None
2012-08-29 Call SQL Server Procedure in a Select Statement None
2012-08-20 Scrolling GridView - Retain Scroll Position on Postback None
2012-04-01 U9GT 2 Cube Android Tablet Review None
2012-02-26 Android Disconnects from WiFi None
2011-10-19 ASP.NET File Upload Maximum request length exceeded None
2011-10-17 There was an error opening the document...The file is damaged and could not be opened None
2011-10-06 Represent Folder Tree Structure in a Database None
2011-09-10 Reboot Windows 7, Windows 2008 Automatically None
2011-09-10 Can't Install Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Management Studio Express None
2011-07-26 Oracle PL/SQL Cursors - For Loop and Using a Record None
2011-07-18 Get List of Files from all Sub-Directories on Network share None
2011-07-15 ASP.NET Upload Control None
2011-07-15 Opening a PDF ASP.NET "file is damaged and cannot be opened" None
2011-07-13 Capture Enter Key on ASP.NET TextBox None
2011-07-12 Disable Button and Enable button after Repsonse.End() None
2011-07-08 Write PDF or Word Document from Byte Array To Memory Stream None
2011-07-08 Save APSOSE Document to PDF or Word save to Memory Stream None
2011-05-26 ASP.NET Stop Users from Bookmarking Pages None
2011-05-26 ASP.NET How to Expire Pages / Back Button Issue None
2011-05-17 Stop ASP.NET Session Timeouts None
2011-03-25 Objects is in a Zombie State None
2011-02-27 ASP.NET - Raise Event on Parent Page from User Control None
2011-02-13 Fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service None
2011-02-08 Get Application Path for ASP.NET None
2011-02-03 ASP.NET Detect Monitor Size load Style Sheet Dynamically None
2011-02-01 ASP.NET Add Double Click to ListBox None
2011-02-01 ASP.NET Call Command Button from Javascript/HTML None
2011-01-08 ASP.NET CreateUserWizard Override SendingMail Event None
2010-12-17 Relay Email From GoDaddy VPS None
2010-12-13 Modal None


124 posts
0 raters