Here are two variations of looping through rows in Oracle PL/SQL. The FOR structure reduces the amount of code, in either case is it more perference than anything else.
--Cursor - For Loop
for i in (select constraint_name, table_name
from all_constraints
where constraint_type = 'R'
and owner = lv_owner
and status = 'ENABLED')
execute immediate 'alter table ' || i.table_name ||
' disable constraint ' || i.constraint_name || '';
end loop;
--Cursor - For each record
declare cursor csr is
select constraint_name, table_name
from all_constraints
where constraint_type = 'R'
and owner = lv_owner
and status = 'ENABLED';
for rcd in csr
execute immediate 'alter table ' || rcd.table_name ||
' disable constraint ' || rcd.constraint_name || '';
end loop;