Typically any code I write in Oracle it is most often in a procedure or function in a package. At times a stand alone procedure.
The coding performed in an Oracle Procedure can be done in a script file but since I do not do that often I created this post for a copy-paste sample that can be run as a script.
--Declare the VARS outside the begin
ln_count number;
begin -- Start of Coding
for i in (select constraint_name
from all_constraints
where constraint_type = 'R'
and owner = 'MDSYS'
and status = 'ENABLED')
dbms_output.put_line('constraint_name' || i.constraint_name);
end loop;
end; -- End Coding
Here is the DBMS Output from the query code above.
Working on database refreshes can be very time consuming to detect invalid objects when Oracle Database Links have been changed.
The one that causes the most frustration is looking for Oracle Views that have an invalid database link, because the database link is stores as a LONG type. The queries below will find all the invalid objects including views and provide a list of objects to recompile. I have a uses global recompile script and will post at a later time. This will search objects looking for either invalid objects or specific values (such as database links in views)
--Get Invalid Objects
select distinct o.OWNER, o.OBJECT_TYPE, o.OBJECT_NAME
from dba_objects o
where o.OWNER in ('XXXX','XXXXX')
and status != 'VALID'
order by 1;
--Look for any code that has DB Link of name XXXXXX
select *
from DBA_Source s
where lower(s.text) like '%XXXXXX%'
--VIEWS TWO OPTIONS 1: Dump to XLS or 2: Run a Cursor
-- 1. Export to Excel and search the XLS Doc
select v.owner, v.VIEW_NAME, v.text
from DBA_Views v
where OWNER in ('XXXXX','XXXXX')
order by 1,2;
-- 2. Run Cursor to DBMS Dump
cursor v_cur is select * from all_views where owner != 'SYS';
for v_rec in v_cur
if (instr(lower(v_rec.text), 'XXXXX') > 0) then
dbms_output.put_line('Match found in ' || v_rec.owner || '.' || v_rec.view_name);
end if;
end loop;
The following SQL will subtract 15 minutes from an Oracle Timestamp, and 20 hours from a timestamp.
--15 Minutes Ago
select systimestamp,
cast(to_char(sysdate - (15/(24*60)),'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss') as timestamp)
from dual;
--Yesterday 20 hours ago
select systimestamp,
cast(to_char(sysdate - (1200/(24*60)),'dd-mon-yyyy hh:mi:ss') as timestamp)
from dual;