
My name is Patrick Rygiel and Welcome to Regency Software Development Blog. I started Regency Software as company where I could publish various apps and sites that I build on my personal time. I build these apps to learn new technologies and improve my skill set.  That is me in the photo (with the helmet on) after driving 145 MPH in my first Richard Petty Driving Experience NASCAR ride. It was awesome!

I work professionally as an Application Architect for Amerisure Insurance. My technology focus is .NET, Oracle, and SQL Server development.The Web Team at Amerisure builds many cutting edge ASP.NET web applications for the business. I have been writing software for many years. Writing software is not only my career but a passion and a hobby. 
have developed many applications (web, desktop, games, mobile) over the years. This blog serves as a collection of coding snippets / tips that I have leveraged in various projects. The Regency Software site serves as a showcase for some these projects. Applications I have developed for corporations are not in the showcase if I worked at the company as an employee vs. developing the site through Regency Software
I was rated in the top 28% of Developers helping Developers in 2017 on StackOverflow.
Just a few of the many sites (personal / business) that I have created over the years. The following are my personal sties / apps...

Mobile Andoid and iOS Apps:  These are published under Regency Software, but all represent work I have done for myself for learning and building apps that I find useful.
MTR Investors Group: If you are a Stock / Option Trader please stop by MTR Investors Group.  I built MTR to provide investment analysis research including Option Analysis Tools for Covered Calls, Naked Puts, Credit Spreads, and Iron Condors, Economic Models, and Timing Models. 

Yes even a Video Game: How can you tell a developer is really a tech geek? Well they should like Star Trek ;-).  

I developed a Star Trek Video Game (a long time ago) called VGA Trek.
The performance of this game is tied to the CPU and with the performance of today's PCs the Klingon Bird of Prey will destroy Enterprise every time! So the player will end up in Sto-vo-kor.