DevExtreme / Cordova / PouchDB Mobile App

Back in 2012 I developed a native Android called "Trading Wisdom" for MTR Investors Group.

That app was built using Eclipse and Android SDK.  A few years back I wanted to go down the path of code-once, deploy to many platforms. At that time I started working with DevExtreme (which basically uses Cordova) to build apps.

This updated "Investing / Trading Wisdom" app was another project that I used to learn some additional mobile technologies: IndexDB and PouchDB.  When the app first starts up it takes the quotations from JSON and loads these into an IndexDB using PouchDB as the interface.

You can find this app on Google play. Soon to be launched on iOS.


  • DevExtreme
  • Cordova
  • HTML5
  • IndexDB
  • PouchDB
  • localStorage
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