Chrome Remote Desktop Curtain Mode - Windows 10 PRO

I had some issues getting Chrome Remote Desktop Curtain Mode to work in Windows 10 PRO. This post documents the steps to get it Chrome Remote Desktop Curtain Mode to work on Windows 10.

The basic instructions come from Google's documentation.

1. Enter a Registry Key: Add two new registry keys.

2. Enable RDP Connections: Search in Windows "Allow Remote" and you should see the application in the search results.

  • Select Control Panel\System and Security\System > Remote settings > "Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)".
  • Uncheck remote assistance (if you do not need it)
  • Uncheck Network Level Authentication  

Note: If after rebooting chrome remote desktop connects, and then disconnects there is another registry key you need to change. Per this  Google link.

Registry Key:
\HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\SecurityLayer

The value I expect for these failures is 2, which corresponds to SSL(TLS).  Change this value to 1 (negotiate).  No reboot is necessary, you can try establishing a CRD connection immediately.
(I need to review the two registry files and may have to update one)

3. Reboot and try it out!

Debugging an Android Cordova/Phone Gap App

This post is a guide to debug a Cordova / Phonegap App on Android.

I use DevExtreme for Mobile (Cordova / Phonegap) Development. Regardless if you use Inoic or some other Phonegap related framework the basic steps are the same.

I. Get The Tools: You will need either the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). You do not require the  Android Development Kit for Cordova Development.  Just install the Minimal ADB Fastboot. Use this download link and read more about it on XDA Developers. 

After you install the ADB Fastboot you have to start the server. First run a command window as an Admin and start the ADP Server.

cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot
adb start-server

II. Creating a Debuggable App:  In Visual Studio while using DevExtreme you must tick the checkbox for Debuggable, the build the app.  Note: You cannot publish an debuggable app to an app store. 

Create your mobile app and deploy it to your device.  You must have Debugging option enabled on your device.  After the install start the app up.

III. Chrome Remote Debugging:  Using the Chrome Browser and Remote Debugging Tools you can debug your Mobile App.

A. Dev Tools: In Chrome go to More Tools > Developers Tools.  When the console comes up go into More Tools > Remote Devices. 

B. Your Device: You should now see your device. In this case I am debugging a Meditation App I wrote called "Meditation Mind Machine." 

To start debugging click Inspect.

After clicking Inspect you will see any messages in the Console Area. You can access the features of your app in the browser, or by using the features on your device. 

Load Content to HTML Page from an External File

This is an example of loading an HTML page with content from an external file. This is a technique I have used on some sites and in some Word Press sites.

This script will read the contents from file1.html on the web service and load it to the content of a DIV on a page.

	$.get( "file1.html", function( data ) {
		//$( "#Content" ).html( data ); //This Replaces  
		$( "#Content" ).append( data );   //This Appends  

Click here for a link to the full working sample.