Bootstrap and jQuery Tabs

Tab control using Bootstrap. Demo purposes as I work out something for a project. Enjoy some great photos of Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore in Michigan! 

Bootstrap Tab Sample

Bootstrap_tabs.html (2.2KB)
Unlike any other place on Lake Superior, Pictured Rocks offers the opportunity to explore miles of pristine beaches, hike over 100 miles of trails, and experience the serenity of the northern hardwood forest. 

In the spring, a new world appears along trails carpeted with the soft beauty of wildflowers. Summer gives way to warm basking days. Blinking lights of orange, red, and yellow signal the wonder of change in autumn. In the winter, the raw windy beauty of snow frequents the days though periodically the snow blazes forth with sunlight.

Click Here to visit the National Parks Service

jQuery Tab Sample

jQueryTabs.html (3KB)

Rename Android Package Name - SOLVED!

After many, many attempts to rename an Android Package Name and having it fail I finally found a solution.

If you have tried to rename an Android project and came up with all types of errors, or the actual package name did not change, or you had issues with Import statements, or R.JAVA problems, this is the answer.


1. Open your AndroidManifest.xml and rename the package here first.


2. Rename the Generated Java Files next. To me this did not make sense since these are generated files in the project, but Android uses the class to compile. Frankly I do not get it, to me it should get generated on the compile, but I had enough of this so I am moving on.


3. Rename the package under src. Right click on the package name and refactor. Check everything, preview, then complete.


4. Rename the project (optional)


That's It!